Thursday, April 4, 2019

Dinewan the Emu and Goomblegubbon the Bustard

Hello, dear reader! This week's story comes from Australia. Dinewan the Emu and Goomblegubbon the Bustard is a story of bitter revenge between birds. Check out the story at the link and continue reading below for my analysis.

Goomblegubbon strutting around the outback
Funny, she doesn't look like a murderer.

I am pretty surprised how vain Dinewan is. Firstly, there's the thought that Goomblegubbon has no wings and that this might make her better than all the other birds. That's already a lot to believe, but Dinewan believes it. So, if Goomblegubbon has no wings, then Dinewan had better cut her wings so she can't fly. After only seeing Goomblegubbon once, crouched in the grass. If Dinewan wasn't so worried about status, she wouldn't have mutilated herself.

However, it's even worse what Dinewan convinces Goomblegubbon to do. Who cares if someone else has fewer children than you? That's a terrible reason to kill most of your children! I don't even know how Goomblegubbon decided which two kids got to live. It's frankly horrifying. So, even though Dinewan has problems trying to "keep up" with Goomblegubbon, I would say Goomblegubbon is far, far worse. I know this is a story to explain why things are a certain way, but my goodness. This is definitely a brutal fairy tale.

Finally, I have to take a quick look at these ladies' husbands. Dinewan's husband agrees to mutilate himself so they can try to "stay ahead" of Goomblegubbon. He's got issues to work through as well. Goomblegubbon's crazy decision to kill most of her young comes out of the blue, and it doesn't look like her husband was around when she did it. I have to wonder what his reaction was later. I really hope he took their remaining kids and kept Goomblegubbon away from them. That's probably the best outcome, so let's pretend that's what happened.

The moral of this story is not to make yourself less than you are to try to compete with someone else. Alternatively, don't mutilate yourself or kill your kids just because your frenemy tells you to. I can't believe I had to say that.

Have a different moral? Have a story you want me to talk about? Just love fairy tales? Comment below!

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