Thursday, January 30, 2020

Out of Season

Hello, reader. Last week's story was pretty dark, so I shouldn't be surprised that my modern version of it turned out dark as well. Enjoy!

Who knew the way to freedom could look so bleak?

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Twelve Months

Seems like a good place to find violets.

Salutations, reader! The fairy tale for this week comes from the Czech Republic. The Twelve Months is a pretty brutal story, but it has a mostly happy ending. Click the link above to read it and continue below to think about it with me.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Crack in the Sky

Hello, reader! I was having a little trouble figuring out how to turn "The Stones of Five Colors and Empress Jokwa" into a modern story. So, I started making it simpler. I took the characters of world-shaking importance, and turned them into kids playing in a field. Hopefully Empress Jokwa doesn't mind being turned into a teenager.

A crack in the sky isn't always easy to notice at first.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Stones of Five Colors and the Empress Jokwa

There's power in these stones. Some of them.
Hello again, reader. As those of you who follow me on Instagram know, I just got back from my honeymoon in Japan. Which was lovely, by the way. We stayed in Tokyo, and I highly recommend it. What this also means is that this week, I decided we should look at a fairy tale from Japan, which turned out to be The Stones of Five Colors and the Empress Jokwa. It's a bit of a longer read, and it's almost two stories in one, but it's worth it. Click the link above to read the story, and continue reading below to analyze it with me.