Thursday, January 3, 2019

Psych Out

Hello, readers. Last week, we looked at the story of Cupid and Psyche, a romance that was totally fine until Psyche tried to make sure Cupid wasn't a beast of some sort and he booked it out of there. I know Cupid was the god of desire, but it seems like he was also the god of drama. I mean, he was related to Zeus. Anyway, here's my modern take on this classic tale.

A pretty unlikely spot to find a girlfriend, most of the time.

Psyche worked lights for shows at one of the big, local theaters. It wasn't Broadway by any means, but she got to do what she loved and make enough money to get by without having to move every time a show closed. She'd worked hard to get this far and she was happy with her accomplishments, but recently, she'd been looking for something new. Of course, seeing as many shows as she did, Psyche figured it was about time she had a love story.

"Yeah right," she taunted herself. Her last girlfriend hadn't lasted very long. It was hard to date someone who was in the theater, Psyche's weekends were often filled and she kept late hours, but it was even harder when you dated someone else who was also in theater. Not everyone was incredibly dramatic, but Psyche seemed to gravitate towards those girls. "Maybe I'll just get a dog," Psyche thought to herself, cuing up the last set of lights for Act I. Finally, they were taking an intermission on the show. Since it was rehearsal and not a performance, it would be a short intermission. Still, Psyche took the chance to get up and go outside.

She almost regretted it as soon as she left the theater. It was winter and the snow on the ground was pretty, but it was also cold. Still, it was better to get at least a few minutes out here at the alley entrance to the theater than to stay inside for several more hours. Sometimes, Psyche saw people who worked at the nearby bars standing in the alley taking their smoke breaks and tonight was no exception. There was a blonde girl leaning against the wall. She turned to look at Psyche when Psyche came outside and gave a small smile. Psyche's heart jumped up her throat. This girl was gorgeous.

"Well that was fast," Psyche thought snidely to herself. Still, even though this looked like one of the shows Psyche worked, she would kick herself forever if she didn't at least get this girl's name. So, Psyche wandered over. "Hey. Getting some fresh air?" she asked. "Smooth, Psyche."

The girl smiled. It lit up her face and made her eyes sparkle. Of course. "Yeah. It gets pretty loud in there. I like to come out here where it's quiet when I can."

"I hear ya. I work the lights for this theater, and even when the actors are off stage, they can't stop talking or singing."

"You work the lights?" the girl looked impressed.

"Yeah. You can have the best pit and actors, but there's no show without a spotlight at the right time. You know?" In her mind, Psyche sighed. "Sure, make yourself look like a big shot. Everyone loves that."

"That's true," the girl replied, nodding. "I'm Desiree."

"I'm Psyche," Psyche replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Same." Desiree looked at her watch. "I've got to get back. Are you rehearsing tomorrow night too? Do you think you might take your break outside again?"

"Yeah." Psyche tried not to smile too big. "Even if I have to stand out here with the chain smokers."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow, Psyche." Desiree smiled again and slipped back into the bar.

"I guess my life really is a play," Psyche thought, heading back inside. Never mind that she had been thinking about how she wanted a girlfriend off and on for weeks. She had thought about it tonight and managed to meet a cute, sweet girl. That's the stuff plays were made of.

Over the next few nights, Psyche and Desiree got to know each other better. Desiree had a younger brother and sister, twins, who seemed to be the more successful ones. "They've got their office jobs and Gayle is going to have a baby soon," Desiree told Psyche. "I don't know. It just seems kind of boring. Not that I love being a bartender, but at least every night is different."

Psyche nodded. She was an only child, but she knew the expectations Desiree was talking about. "Everyone expects you to 'settle down' and find a 'real job', even if you like what you do. I can't imagine sitting behind a desk all day."

Desiree nodded. "I've had a job like that and it was more soulless than this. Plus, I get to meet the most interesting people. Even behind the bar."

Psyche smiled. "Sometimes, I'd rather hang out with the people I meet back here than the ones I meet in there." She pointed to the theater.

"Same," Desiree replied.

This went on for a few more nights. Psyche was trying to figure out if she should ask Desiree out or not. It was obvious that Desiree liked talking to her, even outside in the winter, but Psyche wasn't sure if Desiree would want to date her. That was something she'd always had trouble figuring out.

Then, after their second night of performance, someone suggested they take the cast party to the bar next door. Psyche was torn between wanting Desiree to work that night and not wanting her to. If nothing else, Psyche could get an opinion on Desiree from her friend, Daniel. He didn't see the same since of irony about someone involved in the theater pursuing a romance, but he liked to be helpful and he was a pretty good judge of character, if a little too blunt sometimes.

As everyone pulled on their coats, the stage manager, Daniel, found Psyche. "Isn't this the bar where your...friend works?"

"Yes," Psyche replied. "I'm not sure if she's working tonight."

"Well, if she is, I can see if she's good enough for you."

Psyche laughed. "Right because you can tell that in five minutes."

"Sometimes less," Daniel replied.

Psyche shook her head and they followed the crowd.

It was a Saturday night, so the bar was already busy, but that didn't seem to bother anyone in the cast. Psyche looked through the mass of people to try to find Desiree. She couldn't see her through all of the people, and then Daniel started pulling Psyche over to a table with some of their friends.

"Did you see her?" Daniel asked as they all struggled out of their coats.

"No," Psyche replied, sliding into the edge of the circular booth, "but she might be here."

"Here's your pitcher and glasses. Do you need anything else?"

Psyche looked up at the familiar voice. It was Desiree all right, but Psyche almost didn't recognize her. Desiree had always been wearing a long coat in the alley, so it was a shock to see her in a tight miniskirt and a low cut top. At first Psyche stared at her in shock, and then because she couldn't take her eyes away. She had always wondered what Desiree wore under that coat. Psyche felt decidedly unsexy in her jeans and nice shirt. She took all of this in while Desiree bent over low and set everything on the table, winking at one of the guys. Desiree took a quick look around the table at everyone there and froze when she made eye contact with Psyche. For a moment, they were both speechless. It was like Psyche had shone a light on Desiree when Desiree hadn't expected anyone to see her.

"I think that'll be it," Robert, one of the guys in the cast, replied. "Thanks."

"Sure thing, sugar," Desiree replied, seemingly on autopilot. She snapped her gaze away from Psyche and scooted away.

Daniel looked at Psyche. "So, was that her?"

Psyche nodded, still a little in shock.

"Damn, girl. You've got her number, right?"

Psyche looked at Daniel, trying to focus. "Um, yeah."

"Good." Daniel looked at Psyche a bit more closely. "What's wrong?"

"She always wears a coat outside," Psyche replied, searching for the right words.

"Ah. You didn't know she dressed for good tips," Daniel replied sagely.

"What?" Psyche asked, her full attention on Daniel.

"She's a bartender. If she shows a bit more skin, she'll get more tips. Name of the game." Daniel poured himself a beer and took a drink.

"Oh." Psyche tried not to be disappointed. She'd had such great discussions with Desiree and to see her like this was...odd.

"Don't judge her for what she's wearing," Daniel advised. "If you're lucky, she won't judge you for what you're wearing."

Psyche shook her head. "I know it's just... She didn't seem like the type-"

"Will you stop typecasting and go flirt with the girl?" Daniel asked. "I mean, I'm sure she gets flirted with a lot at this job, but you mean something to her so your flirting would actually matter."

"What makes you think you know so much about how someone else's romance should go?"

Daniel shrugged. "Because it's not mine. That's how these things work."

"I'd better not bother her," Psyche said. "She's working."

"All right, coward. It's only going to be harder to talk to her again later."

Psyche stuck out her tongue, but didn't deny the truth of what Daniel was saying. She did her best to enjoy the cast party, but it was the next week before Psyche spent intermission outside in the alley again. She was out there alone, calling herself a fool for thinking Desiree would come out there, or that Desiree would want her the way Psyche wanted Desiree, when the back door to the bar opened.

"Hey," Desiree said, letting the door close behind her. "Guess that kind of startled you the other night, huh?"

"I just wasn't expecting..."

"Me to dress for tips?"

Psyche blushed, annoyed that she used the same phrase Daniel had. "Usually the girls I see dressed like that are... Well, they're not interested in the things I am, I guess."

"And you feel like you saw the true me and I wasn't like you expected," Desiree replied. She shook her head. "That's my outfit for work. That's not how I dress on my time off. And we've already talked a lot about things we're both interested in."

Psyche remembered they both liked some similar music. Desiree had been in a few musicals in school, although she didn't pursue it now, and they both liked some of the same movies for similar reasons. "I know," Psyche replied. "I guess I've gotten used to seeing only part of you and being a little afraid when I saw a different side of you." She looked at the ground. "Well, lack of honesty always hurts relationships in shows. Maybe honesty will help me in real life. Maybe."

"So, I was different than you expected and that scared you?"

Slowly, Psyche nodded.

"You know, there might be some other things about me you don't expect," Desiree said slowly.

Psyche nodded. "I shouldn't have expected you to fit in a stereotype or something."

"I mean, other things that might be...different than what you consider normal," Desiree tried again.

"Oh." "Like what?"

"Well. Haven't you wondered why I'm always out here to meet you?"

Psyche's heart hammered in her chest. "Because you like talking to me?"

"Well, yes, but I was wondering if..." Desiree laughed and shook her head. "I get asked out so many times every night. You'd think I'd have an easier time asking you on a date."

It took a moment for Psyche's brain to process what she'd heard. "What? You want to go on a date with me?"

"Well, yeah," Desiree replied. "I know you might not have thought of me as bi, but-"

"Yes, I'd love to!" Psyche replied. "Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off."

Desiree laughed. "We're both a little nervous." She stepped a little closer. "So, you really want to go on a date?"

"Yes. I've been trying to figure out how to ask you for a long time."

Desiree smiled self-consciously. "Oh. And I thought I might be rushing you."

Psyche slipped her hand into Desiree's. "Not at all."

Desiree gave her hand a squeeze. "Great. Then you can see me when I'm just being me."

"And you can see me when...well, when I'm putting some more effort into my appearance."

Desiree laughed. "You can come in yoga pants and a t-shirt, as long as you show up."

"I'll try to be a little more dressed up than that," Psyche promised. Next time she shone a light on Desiree, Psyche told herself not to be scared if she learned something new because it would only make this better. The only bad thing was that Daniel was going to say he'd told her so when Psyche told him she had a date with Desiree. He could be kind of a jerk when he was right.

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