Thursday, April 30, 2020

Of Lamps and Rings

Hello, readers. This week, we have my modern version of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp".
I do want to specify that a florin used to be a coin, and the resonance of naming a greedy character after money was just too good to pass up. Even if the name is a little different.
I hope you enjoy the story!

Doesn't really look like a lamp to me.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

What would you wish for?
Hello again, readers! This week's story is probably familiar to you. It's Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. What surprised me was that this story is set in China. I thought it was part of One Thousand One Nights, or Arabian Nights, but apparently not. It was associated with that book later. Either way, it's still a fun story, so let's dive in.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Hello, reader. This story is a little longer than usual, so I'll keep the intro short. It was pretty fun to write the story from two different perspectives. Maybe I'll do that again.

If you could only bring one thing back from a magical land, there are worse things than pearls.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Bird with Nine Heads

So, imagine a bird like this, but with nine heads.

Hello, reader! It's sort of a tough time for everyone these days, so I offer you an escape into a realm of magic. Today's fairy tale is The Bird with Nine Heads, and it's from China. This one probably has some of the coolest magic items. Read the story in the link above, and continue with me below to analyze it.