Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sleeping Princesses Part 5 of 5

Hello, reader. It's the last installment of our story. I hope you enjoy it. If you haven't read part 1, start there. Otherwise, keep reading for the exciting conclusion.

               It had been days and even with all seven of the dwarves, they hadn’t been able to bring Snow back. The protections on the house repelled her, so they made a glass box to keep Snow in outside. Emil blamed himself. He should have been watching. He set himself up as the one to watch over Snow now. He studied the spell on her and tried to figure out how they could break it. He watched to see if anything changed after they tried.
               He hadn’t been to the mine in weeks when a procession made its way to their house. Warily, Emil rose to his feet, putting himself between Snow and the horsemen.
               When they drew closer, one man dismounted. “Ah, I see the stories are true!” he said, looking around Emil. “She is truly beautiful.”
               “You’ve had your look, now get out of here,” Emil growled.
               “Tut, tut. So little hospitality for a visiting prince.” The man grinned. “Shall we make an example of you?”
               “We’ve had plenty of your type around here,” Emil replied. “And I haven’t cared for any of them. Now get lost.”
               “But we’ve only just met. And I must try my luck with the sleeping princess.”
               “You won’t lay a hand on her,” Emil replied, picking up his axe.
               “How droll,” the prince replied. “Guards?”
               Emil had expected to be surrounded, but the guards tried to run him over with their horses. Emil fought back, injuring many good horses in the process, but there were too many. And yet more guards were picking up the box with Snow inside. Emil screamed, but wasn’t able to get to her. There were just too many guards and as the horses dashed around him, one of the horses kicked him in the head. Emil went down.
               Cautiously, a guard dismounted and checked. “He’s still breathing, your highness.”
               “Leave him,” the prince directed. “We have what we came for.” He brought his horse over toward where Snow slept in her glass box. “She truly is as beautiful as they say. A masterpiece.” He sighed and looked around briefly. “Move out.”
               And they all left.
               There was uneven footing in the woods and Snow was jostled in her box. The prince snapped at his guards to be careful with her, but there was only so much they could do. On one particularly bad step, Snow was knocked sideways and the piece of apple fell out of her mouth. Once the apple was removed, all of the magic the dwarves had been trying on her went to work at once. By the time they stopped for the night, Snow was conscious, but not sure where she was. She decided to pretend she was still asleep until she knew what was going on.
               She peeked through her eyelids and saw a fire playing over leaves and realized she was in a forest. She hoped it was the same forest the dwarves had been in.
               “Where do we venture to next, your highness?” a man asked.
               Snow caught herself before answering.
               “I hear there is another pretty maid in a spell just East of here,” a man replied. “Perhaps we shall secure her for ourselves as well.”
               The man guffawed and Snow’s spine turned to ice. He dared to talk about Aurora like that?
               “Did you want to try to break this one’s spell?” the first speaker asked.
               “Not yet,” the prince replied. “Let’s wait until we’re safely back at my castle.”
               “It’d be a shame if she took a look at you and ran away,” the first man replied with a laugh.
               “For shame, Lambert,” the prince replied jokingly, “I would be her true love. Why would she want to run from me?”
               “I can think of a few reasons,” Lambert replied with a snigger.
               Fortunately, the two of them moved away and Snow lay still, barely daring to breathe. These men thought they had her and that they could get Aurora? Never. Snow knew that no matter how angry she was, if she tried to fight them, she would only lose. So, she waited.
               Eventually, all of the noise quieted down. Then she started to hear snores. Snow was grateful that she didn’t feel sleepy at all. “How long as I out?” she wondered. But there were more important things to think about now. Slowly, Snow opened her eyes and looked around. There was no one around her. She put her hands up and opened the glass lid. Thankfully, it opened without a sound and Snow slipped out of it. She saw the horses and made her way over to them.
               Moving carefully and quietly, Snow picked out a mount and untied him. She found a saddle and put it in place on top of him. The other horses whickered at her a little, but she managed to soothe them and Snow led her chosen horse away. She held her breath, but she had a better chance of escape if she was stealthy now and rode later. It seemed like it took forever, but Snow and the horse picked their way away from the camp headed toward what Snow believed was the East.
               Eventually, Snow turned around and realized she couldn’t see the camp any more. Sighing in relief, she managed to mount the horse and got it walking. It didn’t want to go very fast in the night since it couldn’t see and Snow didn’t want her only chance of escape to twist an ankle. But at least they were a little faster now.
               Slowly, the sun rose and the horse began to pick up the pace. By the time Snow could see clearly all around her, she was able to get the horse to trot directly toward the rising sun. They were heading East and Snow was going to see what happened to Aurora.
Everything began to look familiar, but it was still a shock when Snow pulled up in front of the giant hedge of thorns around Aurora’s castle. All she could see of the castle was the tallest tower.
               Snow dismounted and looked up, fear suddenly gripping her. How was she going to get in there, let alone save Aurora? She didn’t even know what she was up against. But it didn’t matter. Snow shook her head and squared her shoulders. She had to try. Snow walked forward and the hedge slid away, allowing her to pass. Tentatively, Snow stepped forward she turned around, but it had closed up behind her. Snow gulped. It seemed she was truly in this now.
               She walked forward, trying not to be scared by the size of the thorns moving near her face. They seemed to move away from her, but Snow didn’t want to try reaching out to them in case they decided to change their behavior.
               Eventually, Snow made it out of the thorns. She turned around, but there was no telling where she had come through. She turned back toward the castle and noticed the bodies in the courtyard. Heart in her mouth, Snow raced forward. The first person there was Gerta, a downstairs maid. Snow turned her over. Gerta was breathing, but her eyes were closed.
               “Wake up,” Snow said, shaking her a little. Gerta didn’t move.
               Snow set her back down gently. She looked at the other people in the courtyard and noticed that all of them were breathing as well. It was like everyone had just fallen asleep where they stood. Was this the curse the dwarves were talking about?
               Slowly, Snow made her way into the castle. She wasn’t sure where to look first, but if everyone was sleeping, maybe Aurora had still been in bed when the curse hit. It made as much sense as anything else, so Snow walked to Aurora’s room.
               She opened the door and saw Aurora laying in her bed. It looked like she was just sleeping too. Snow tiptoed over and said, “Aurora, wake up.” Nothing happened. Snow tried gently shaking her, but Aurora kept sleeping. Snow used to find Aurora’s little snore comforting, but now she would give anything to make it stop so Aurora would wake up. Snow shook her a little harder and began yelling Aurora’s name.
               Nothing worked. Aurora kept sleeping. Snow held Aurora to her and started crying. “What am I supposed to do?” Snow asked. “I’m here! Why can’t I save you?”
               She set Aurora back on her bed and stared down at her. “What am I supposed to do?” Snow asked, tucking a stray strand of hair behind Aurora’s ear. Snow stared at Aurora’s face. She wasn’t sure she could live a life without her. She’d bring a doctor in here, someone who would know how to fix this. There had to be a way to get back out.
               “I won’t give up,” Snow said. She looked around. There was no one here to see. She remembered what the dwarves had told her about breaking fairy spells. Tentatively, Snow leaned forward and kissed Aurora’s lips. “I promise I’ll fix this,” she whispered. She sat up.
               Aurora’s snoring stopped and she opened her eyes. “Snow?” she asked.
               “Aurora!” Snow pulled Aurora upright and kissed her, and to her surprise, Aurora kissed her back.
               They parted and Snow stared at Aurora. Slowly, Aurora started to smile and Snow did too.
               “How long have you waited to do that?” Aurora asked, a shy smile on her face.
               “Too long,” Snow replied. They kissed again and Aurora’s door opened.
               “Sweetheart, you’re all right!” Queen Emilia said. She and King Grant stopped in the doorway.
               “Hello,” Snow said awkwardly. “Um.”
               “Only true love’s kiss could break the curse,” Queen Emilia said, looking at the two of them.
               “And it seems to have worked,” King Grant finished with a smile.
               Snow stared at them. “You’re…you’re okay with this?”
               “We’ve had a long time to get used to it, dear,” Queen Emilia replied with a smile.
               “Is that why you sent Snow away?” Aurora demanded.
               “We didn’t want her to get caught up in the curse,” King Grant explained, “but we thought that maybe…”
               “So, you knew about this curse and you never told us?” Snow asked.
               “We wanted to give Aurora a normal childhood,” Queen Emilia replied. “We can sort all of this out later. You broke the curse!”
               As much as Snow wanted to have it out with them, she looked back at Aurora and couldn’t help but be happy. Aurora squeezed her hand and smiled.
               As worried as Aurora had been about becoming engaged on her sixteenth birthday, she was impatient to become engaged to Snow. However, first Snow had to travel back to her kingdom and set a few things straight.
               Princess Aurora, King Grant, and Queen Emilia came with her, of course, but it was not their place to tamper with the justice of King Nicholas’ kingdom. Snow swept straight into King Nicholas’ throne room.
               “Snow!” Nicholas said, cutting off the noble who had been talking. “They told me you died!”
               “Not for lack of trying,” Snow said. “Your wife tried to kill me.”
               Queen Rebecca had jumped up from her throne as soon as Snow had come in, but she didn’t get far. Guards grabbed her and she turned to face Snow. “Why, dear. Why on Earth would I try to kill you?”
               “I’ve been thinking about that,” Snow replied, “and I know you’ve driven out anyone prettier than you in the castle, but that just seems so simple and petty. As much as I want to believe you’re only simple and petty. It has more to do with the crown, doesn’t it? If King Nicholas doesn’t marry anyone else, and I were to mysteriously die, you would rule the kingdom on your own, wouldn’t you? And your child would rule after you. This was all about power.”
               Queen Rebecca’s face twisted, her hands covering her belly protectively. “You stupid, selfish girl. I should have just cut off your head!”
               “I think that will do,” King Nicholas said, signaling to the guards. “Take this woman to the dungeon.”
               Queen Rebecca protested, but her yells soon dwindled away as the guards took her out of the throne room.
               “I should have done that a long time ago,” King Nicholas said, sighing and shaking his head.
               “I don’t know why you didn’t,” Snow snapped. Then she gathered herself. “Father, there’s one other thing I came to ask you.”
               “Name it! I’m so glad to have you back.”
               “I want your blessing for my marriage,” Snow said. Aurora walked up from the back of the room and held Snow’s hand.
               “To whom?” King Nicholas asked, looking at Snow.
               Snow swallowed. “To Princess Aurora.”
               King Nicholas stared at them. “Oh,” he managed. He looked beyond them to King Grant and Queen Emilia. “Do you two agree to this?”
               “We do, Your Majesty,” King Grant said.
               King Nicholas nodded. “Then, I agree as well. Blessings on you both.”
               Snow grinned and turned to Aurora. She couldn’t help kissing her.
               “Well,” King Nicholas said, “I suppose the only thing to do is start having their wedding dresses made.”
               The wedding took place a year later, as was customary. By that time, King Nicholas had restored diplomatic relations with the kingdom that Rebecca had come from. They had recently come through a civil war and Rebecca’s family was no longer on the throne. As the new king wrote to King Nicholas, he would be doing them a favor if they could execute Rebecca themselves. So it was that deep in the dungeons on the day of the wedding, Rebecca danced in red-hot iron shoes until she died.
               In the castle proper, the focus was entirely on the wedding. Snow invited all of the dwarves from the cabin and the fairy who had changed the curse to save Aurora’s life. The feasting went on for a week, if they are not feasting still.

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