Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Beautiful Dancer of Yedo


That feeling when you're the heroine of a tragedy.

Hello, readers! This week's story comes from Japan. The Beautiful Dancer of Yedo is a sad story, but there's some beauty in it too. Read the story at the link above and analyze it with me below.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Just Breathe

Salutations, reader. This is my modern retelling of The Legend of Knocksheogowna. We all have escapes during the craziness that is 2020. Some people's are just a little more literal than others.


If sunsets make you happy, watch a lot of them.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Legend of Knocksheogowna


white calf in a field
Ordinary white calf or a fairy in disguise? Hard to say.

Hello, readers. This week's story comes to us from Ireland. The Legend of Knocksheogowna is an example of why it's a not good idea to bother fairies unless you're prepared to deal with their antics. Read the story in the link above and continue below to analyze it with me.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Uncle Gret's Magic Violin

 Hello again, readers. Goodness, but time doesn't seem to flow normally these days. Almost like we're in some sort of fairy tale of our own. Here's hoping for a happily ever after quickly.

I had a bit of trouble coming up with a modern version of The Monkey's Fiddle, so I looked back at a story I wrote on this blog awhile back, Family Fun, and I decided that family could use another adventure. So, here we have a story about Uncle Gret. I changed the fairy tale around a bit for this story, but this family takes liberties with their fairy tales.

The everyday magical items are the ones to watch out for.