Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Three Sisters

To be fair, a crystal tunnel would be really pretty.

Salutations, reader! Our story this week is The Three Sisters. This version comes from a book by Giambattista Basile. Click the link above to read the story and continue with me below to analyze it.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Quill-Work Girl and Her Seven Brothers


big dipper constellation framed by pine trees
They say to reach for the stars, but what about becoming one?

Salutations, readers! Today's legend comes to us from the Cheyenne people. The Quill-Work Girl and Her Seven Brothers is a story about how things came to be. It's a good story, and it's a nice change of pace because it's not about love. Click the link above to read the story and continue with me below to analyze it.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Music in the Darkness


Mbiras as pretty cool-looking. And portable.

Hello, reader. When I was writing this story, since it's a Greek myth, I thought it apt to write it about two men in love. It wasn't until I was most of the way through that I remembered the trope of "bury your gays", and well, we all know this story is a tragedy. So, my apologies for the trope. The next fairy tale won't be a tragedy.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Orpheus and Eurydice

A man with a lyre walks out of the shadows, followed by a shadowy woman
Don't turn around!

Hello, readers. Awhile back, I discovered Hadestown, which is a musical based on the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Since I can't stop listening to the music, I thought I'd take a look at the myth that inspired the musical. Click on the link above to read the story, and continue with me below to think about it.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Like Water in the Desert

Seems legit.

Salutations, friends! The approach for this retelling of The Perfidious Vizier came to me right away, but there were a few details I had to figure out. One of those details involves an unexpected cameo from some of my characters in A Tale of Two Tricksters. To be clear, I wasn't expecting them, but once I thought of it, there was no going back. Also, for those of you who like names, I took some special care choosing the names of the characters in this story. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Perfidious Vizier

dessert sands with big rocks and cliffs in the distance
If I was traveling here and someone brought me to a well, I wouldn't ask too many questions either.

Salutations, dear reader. This time our fairy tale comes to us from the Middle East. The Perfidious Vizier is a story about transformation and help from an unexpected quarter. Click the link above to read it and continue below to analyze it with me.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Violet and Her Rude Sister

Salutations, readers. I decided to put "Pigling and Her Proud Sister" into the terms of high school. It seemed about right, since there's so much pettiness in this story. Although most of it comes from the stepmother who really should have grown out of that. Enjoy!

Sometimes, your makeup is a magic.